A Lost Nation

A nation that does not fight for its values is already dead.

By Letta Kalamara

A nation without heroes anymore is a nation without future.

Greece became a lost nation surrendering itself to evil. A whole society made deliberately money as its utmost value.
Money that came from abroad without any logic, buying daily society's values for decades and transforming Greece today a zombie with its proper political leaders.

When Lehman Brothers World collapsed Greece became a World orphan. The biggest nation bubble in the world defused without any control. EU and IMF leaders did their best to avoid Greece explosion. Greeks they do not care. A zombie is not afraid of death.

Nowadays there is no political system in Greece to face the truth and bring the country towards reality. But if there are no political leaders there is no society as well. A society divided in Nazis, communists, anarchists and life smugglers cannot exist for long and for sure cannot be governed by itself.

Non-stop elections is just a game to delay the reality. On coming 20th Sep 2015 elections will not solve society's deadlock as they have no such purpose. There is no discussion for the day after. The only result will be a society without political leaders on power, without democracy by definition. In this way so-called governing savers will represent exactly what Greece is. A pure oligarch nation that will soon be governed officially under its own oligarchy system.

Indeed Greek society by denying new political leaders to show up and resorting desperately to anti-democratic solutions will put itself out of Europe sooner or later. This is the goal no doubt since 2009 with the acceptance of EU and IMF.

Existing political are incapable of taking responsibilities apart from power, afraid to declare a nation defeat and as no new ones are seek for letting time passes the distance between Greece and EU is getting longer and longer until it is lost.

If Greece falls in 2016 or 2017 Europe will fall afterwards. Just like Europe and Germany that denied to face quickly and offensively the millions of refugees generated in Middle East and elsewhere and ended up today to search for a solution to their inside problem which will be worsened by day.

To raise a nation you need to fight, to be well informed and get ready to die for your principles.

You cannot fight without an army, without the will to win.

Above all you cannot fight without knowing the threat and its leaders who are inside you, your soil and your soul...

* Οι απόψεις του ιστολογίου μπορεί να μη συμπίπτουν με τις απόψεις του/της αρθρογράφου ή τα περιεχόμενα του άρθρου. 

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