

WRC - Ράλλυ Σουηδίας: Ο Έβανς «ελέγχει» την πρώτη μέρα

Η Toyota βρίσκεται μπροστά στο Ράλλυ Σουηδίας με τον Έλφιν Έβανς, καταφέρνοντας να «πάρει κεφάλι» και να κάνει τον καλύτερο χρόνο, μέχρι στιγμής.

Η πρώτη ημέρα του Ράλλυ Σουηδίας, έληξε και ο Έλφιν Έβανς έχει τον έλεγχο. Ο οδηγός της Toyota διαμόρφωσε μια διαφορά των οκτώ δευτερολέπτων και κατάφερε να κερδίσει τις δύο από τις τρεις ειδικές. Ο Οτ Τάνακ της Hyundai βρίσκεται ακριβώς από πίσω του, στη δεύτερη θέση, ενώ τρίτος είναι ο Ροβανπέρα, ο νεαρός οδηγός της Toyota!

Λίγο εκτός τριάδας είναι ο Σεμπαστιάν Οζιέ. Πρόκειται για το τρίτο Toyota Yaris στην πρώτη τετράδα, χαρίζοντας ένα πολύ καλό αποτέλεσμα για την ομάδα, έστω και προσωρινά και δίνοντας πολλές ελπίδες για το τέλος. Ο Εσαπέκα Λάπι της M-Sport κλείνει την πεντάδα και έκτος, ο Τιερί Νεβίλ της Hyundai. Μπριν, Σούνινεν, Κατσούτα και Λίντχολμ ολοκληρώνουν τη δεκάδα.

Μεγάλος άτυχος της σημερινής ημέρας ήταν ο τέσσερις φορές νικητής του Ράλι Σουηδίας, ο Λάτβαλα. Ο Φινλανδός βρίσκεται για πρώτη φορά μετά το 2006 χωρίς εργοστασιακή ομάδα και συμμετέχει στο Ράλλυ με ένα Toyota Yaris, όμως αντιμετώπισε ηλεκτρολογικό πρόβλημα που τον έκανε να χάσει πολύ χρόνο στη δεύτερη ειδική διαδρομή. Ο κινητήρας του έκανε κοψίματα από το πρόβλημα με τα ρεύματα και έτσι, ο Λάτβαλα δεν μπόρεσε να είναι ανταγωνιστικός. Παρακάτω υπάρχουν τα αποτελέσματα αναλυτικά με χρόνους, για την πρώτη δεκάδα.

Πηγή: gazzetta.gr

Tommi Mäkinen (Team Principal)
“It has been a brilliant start to the rally for us. Elfyn is flying. It’s an incredible performance from him and he seems really comfortable in our car. We’ve seen an incredible performance also from Kalle. There is still quite a lot for him to learn about the car, and I’m sure there is even better speed to come from him during the rally. Seb is also in a strong position, so it’s been a very good day for us. It was difficult to say beforehand how it would go because of the conditions, but it’s been very good. The stages look to be in a nice winter condition and hopefully that will be the case tomorrow as well.”

Sébastien Ogier (Driver car 17)
“The conditions were not that bad today, I think it was close to normal winter conditions. We could have good fun in some sections with good grip. It’s not been a bad day for us, but our team-mates have proven that we can go faster. It was not easy to start second on the road today, but that’s not the only reason why we have been slower. We need to be a little bit more committed in some places and maybe accept to take a bit more risk. The long-game is always important but we want to leave this event with as many points as possible. We’re going to try to make some little changes on the car for tomorrow and try to improve our pace if we can.”

Elfyn Evans (Driver car 33)
“It’s been a pretty good day. The feeling in the car was immediately good this morning. It was quite difficult to know exactly how hard to push on the first stage: We had quite high grip, but it looked quite aggressive on the tyres. We tried to be quick but also relatively smooth and it seemed to work out pretty well. Now we need to try and do more of the same tomorrow. Nobody knows what the conditions will be like, so we have to adapt to whatever is put in front of us. I don’t think we’ll need to change much as everything worked very well today, but we’ll look over the data and try to find a few more seconds.”

Kalle Rovanperä (Driver car 69)
“Today was nice. The conditions on the stages were better than everybody expected. There was more ice and snow and the tyres were lasting well. In the morning loop we were doing really well and we had good speed. There were a few mistakes here and there, but we were learning more about the car all the time. The last one didn’t go so well as I stalled the car and we lost a lot of time. So that was not so nice, but hopefully we can gain back the time tomorrow. Let’s will see if there is snowfall tonight, as that would make the conditions quite different.”

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